MATCHA is a leading media platform for foreign visitors to Japan, visited by over 3.4 million people monthly from more than 240 countries and regions worldwide.

We publish content on travel, cuisine, culture, and useful information about Japan in 10 languages. Our content is curated by professional multinational editors who are passionate about Japan and its culture. In addition to comprehensive guides, we also offer information on how to book accommodations, tours, Wi-Fi, and other services, and offer discount coupons for travelers. We comprehensively support the travel experience of foreign visitors to Japan.


Below we introduce the features of the travel information platform MATCHA.


We are a media outlet with 3.4 million monthly users and 6.6 million page views

We are a media outlet with 3.4 million monthly users and 6.6 million page views

We are one of the top accessed media outlets forforeign visitors to Japan. Our social media channels exceed 1.04 million followers.


The majority of our readers are from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, and the United States of America.

The majority of our readers are from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, and the United States of America.

MATCHA is widely read in regions using traditional Chinese, with a recognition rate of approximately 37% as of November 2019. Our English website's readership is mainly based in the United States of America.


We possess multilingual publishing know-how with more than 20,000 articles released on our site.

We possess multilingual publishing know-how with more than 20,000 articles released on our site.

Our professional editors boast a decade of multilingual media operation covering both SEO and customer transfer.


We publish content in 10 languages, including Easy Japanese.

We publish content in 10 languages, including Easy Japanese.

Our content is published in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Thai, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Spanish, Japanese, and Easy Japanese.


Our content on travel, Japanese culture, hotels, food, and how-to guides are easy to follow by foreign visitors to Japan.

Both the special features curated by MATCHA's editors and those created for our clients are presented in an attractive design.


At MATCHA, we offer a wide range of inbound tourism marketing services and advertising strategies. We have a dedicated marketing team ready to assist you. Please feel free to contact us about promoting your region or business through MATCHA.

  • ニッポンレンタカー
  • マツモトキヨシ
  • ドン・キホーテ
  • BigCamera
  • AEON
  • TOBU
  • NINJA Wifi
  • klook
  • ココカラファイン

  • klook
  • Rakuten Travel
  • Booking.com
  • AR

Contact Us

For inquiries regarding our services, please contact us from here.

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